
Adam Schiff の歴史に残るスピーチ:You might think it's OK that...


下のビデオはRep. Schiff: You Might Say That's All OK. But I Don't Think It's OK.(あなた方は問題ないと言うかもしれないが、私はそうは思わない)という題でYouTubeで公開されているもの


Under partisan fire, Adam Schiff presents his case without apology

“My colleagues might think it’s OK that the Russians offered dirt on the Democratic candidate for president as part of what’s described as the Russian government’s effort to help the Trump campaign. You might think that’s OK.
“My colleagues might think it’s OK that when that was offered to the son of the president, who had a pivotal role in the campaign, that the president’s son did not call the FBI; he did not adamantly refuse that foreign help – no, instead that son said that he would ‘love’ the help with the Russians.
“You might think it’s OK that he took that meeting. You might think it’s OK that Paul Manafort, the campaign chair, someone with great experience running campaigns, also took that meeting. You might think it’s OK that the president’s son-in-law also took that meeting. You might think it’s OK that they concealed it from the public. You might think it’s OK that their only disappointment after that meeting was that the dirt they received on Hillary Clinton wasn’t better. You might think that’s OK.
“You might think it’s OK that when it was discovered, a year later, that they then lied about that meeting and said that it was about adoptions. You might think that it’s OK that it was reported that the president helped dictate that lie. You might think that’s OK. I don’t.
“You might think it’s OK that the campaign chairman of a presidential campaign would offer information about that campaign to a Russian oligarch in exchange for money or debt forgiveness. You might think that’s OK, I don’t.
“You might think it’s OK that that campaign chairman offered polling data to someone linked to Russian intelligence. I don’t think that’s OK.
“You might think it’s OK that the president himself called on Russia to hack his opponent’s emails, if they were listening. You might think it’s OK that later that day, in fact, the Russians attempted to hack a server affiliated with that campaign. I don’t think that’s OK.
“You might think it’s OK that the president’s son-in-law sought to establish a secret back channel of communication with the Russians through a Russian diplomatic facility. I don’t think that’s OK.
“You might think it’s OK that an associate of the president made direct contact with the GRU through Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks, that is considered a hostile intelligence agency. You might think it’s OK that a senior campaign official was instructed to reach that associate and find out what that hostile intelligence agency had to say in terms of dirt on his opponent.
あなた方は、大統領と親しい人物(訳者注:ロジャー・ストーンのこと)が、Guccifer 2.0 とWikiLeaksを通して、敵対的な情報機関と考えられているGRU(ロシア国防参謀本部情報総局)と直接コンタクトしていたことに問題はないとお考えかもしれない。あなた方は、対戦相手に対する攻撃材料についてその敵対的情報機関が持っている情報を聞き出すために、その人物に連絡するようにと選対事務所の上級関係者に指示が出されていたことに問題はないとお考えかもしれない。
“You might think it’s OK that the national security adviser designate secretly conferred with the Russian ambassador about undermining U.S. sanctions, and you might think it’s OK that he lied about it to the FBI.
“You might say that’s all OK, that’s just what you need to do to win. But I don’t think it’s OK. I don’t think it’s OK. I think it’s immoral, I think it’s unethical, I think it’s unpatriotic and, yes, I think it’s corrupt – and evidence of collusion.”
“Now I have always said that the question of whether this amounts to proof of conspiracy was another matter. Whether the special counsel could prove beyond a reasonable doubt the proof of that crime would be up to the special counsel, and I would accept his decision, and I do. He’s a good and honorable man, and he is a good prosecutor.
“But I do not think that conduct, criminal or not, is OK. And the day we do think that’s OK is the day we will look back and say that is the day that America lost its way.”
“And I will tell you one more thing that is apropos of the hearing today: I don’t think it’s OK that during a presidential campaign Mr. Trump sought the Kremlin’s help to consummate a real estate deal in Moscow that would make him a fortune – according to the special counsel, hundreds of millions of dollars. I don’t think it’s OK to conceal it from the public. I don’t think it’s OK that he advocated a new and more favorable policy towards the Russians even as he was seeking the Russians’ help, the Kremlin’s help to make money. I don’t think it’s OK that his attorney lied to our committee. There is a different word for that than collusion, and it’s called ‘compromise.’
もう一つ、今日の公聴会に関連することを言っておきます。大統領選の期間中に、トランプ氏がモスクワにおける不動産取引を成就するためにクレムリンの助けを求めたことに問題がないとは考えません。特別検察官によりますと、それはトランプ氏が何億ドルも儲けることができる取引でした。私は、それを公にしないで隠していたことに問題がないとは考えません。ロシアに対して好意的な新しい政策を提唱する一方で、儲けるためにロシアの助け、クレムリンの助けを求めていたことに問題がないとは考えません。彼の弁護士がこの委員会で嘘をついたことに問題がないとは考えません。それには共謀とは別の言葉があります。それは、compromise (訳者注:スパイ工作では弱みを握る/握られること、危うい状態にする/されること)と呼ばれます。
“And that is the subject of our hearing today.”


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黒ユリ さんのコメント...

初めまして。偶然、こちらにたどり着きました。Etsuko Uedaさんというお名前と、チャンネル桜とお書きになっているのを見ました。

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